i know, it’s barely july and the last thing you want to think about is getting ready for back to school (some stay at home moms may disagree LOL), but i just couldn’t wait to announce back to school sessions for ONLY $99 in honor of my first born starting kintergarten this fall! i’ll be offering these back to school sessions only one day, wednesday, august 20th (rain date friday, august 22nd). these will be held at the adorable seneca schoolhouse in poolesville maryland, and i’ll be using my gorgeous vintage desk circa 1860 among other beautiful antiques. this session can include up to two children and there are no age restrictions. to book your spot, click HERE and select “Back 2 School Mini Session August 20th,” then choose the date 8/20 and book the time you want! spots are first come first serve and have already started to fill up!
      back to school mini sessions in maryland
