i thought this was supposed to be the “slow” season for this biz?? luckily for me, i’ve had more sessions that i can almost handle! between photographing families, babies, a wedding, and an all day/night corporate job, i was one very busy girl in january. which is why my poor little blog has been rather neglected. but for february, i scheduled in some down time and continuing education (okay, it’s a “photography inspiration retreat” on the beach. but hey – we’re all photographers so what else will we talk about besides business and our kids!?). i hope to catch up on all my editing, blogging, and pull off a pretty awesome transformers-themed fourth birthday party for my little optimus prime. if you follow me on instagram you know alllllll about the skintight costume, helmet and the whole fetish in general. i just hope he doesn’t cry when everyone sings happy birthday like he did last year!

      here is a beautiful extended family session i did at the glenview mansion in rockville. it was my first session of the year, and what a great way to start 2013! this glowing mama looks absolutely amazing, and her sweet family is so excited to meet the new little member of their family very soon!

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