i LOVE helping small businesses in any way i can. afterall, i am a small business myself! it’s nothing short of amazing to work for yourself and live your dreams. rent a coop is an awesome concept, run by a wonderful, sweet couple – Tyler and Diana. want to eat eggs that you KNOW are organic and completely fresh? then rent a coop from this amazing local business! it’s a fabulous way to teach your kids where their food comes from without the commitment of having to keep the chickens forever (unless you want to, and then you can purchase the coop and hens from them!). 
      i brought my little guy with me for this shoot so we could get some great action shots of how thrilled kids are with this experience. the images speak for themselves – Lukey was sold!! check out rent a coop’s feature in the april issue of northern virginia magazine on page 108 with my little babe’s first modeling gig 😉
      potomac maryland child photographer
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      how cute are these two?
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