“summer fun” in my world means playing outside all day, digging in the dirt, jumping in puddles and hunting for small creatures. i love this shot of my rugged boys so much i made it into a 24×36 canvas for my family room. only after my canvas arrived did i realize that it’s not a stick in lukey’s hand, but a gigantic centipede. awesome LOL. 🙂 🙂

      best rockville maryland child photographer-1
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      helen john photography

      thank you so much jessica!

      helen john photography

      hahahah you will soon see as jameson gets older and starts eating worms too!

      helen john photography

      LOL thank you so much! can't take credit for any of the brilliance here lol

      helen john photography

      they ALWAYS jump, don't they? lol

      helen john photography

      thank you sarah!!

      helen john photography

      SO true! lol i love the bug on my wall 🙂 hehe

      You perfectly captured summer! 😀 Awesome picture!

      Haha! Cracking up over the centipede because I have a boy too :)<br /><br />And my phone cover is a picture of my kid riding his bike through a puddle. Because boys + puddles = 100% certainty and lots of laundry.<br /><br />Love this shot. And love the fact that you have a giant bug on your wall now 🙂

      love it, I have boys just like this….mine would jump..

      Brilliant- the centipede makes the shot 😀 lol.

      Obviously Amanda &amp; I need some &quot;Awesome&quot; thinking lessons from you! What a great attitude and great picture! Cheryl

      This is perfect! All boy. All summertime!