i can’t begin to describe how hard it is to pick just one “best face of 2013” for the i heart faces photo challenge. the first face that comes to mind is this sweet four year old dude who i photographed twice last year. this particular image was taken during my “mother’s day mini sessions” in may, which was when i learned the beautiful story of how a lovely family adopted this charismatic boy from haiti. his story, much like his parents, are incredible. i didn’t ask what he wished for on this dandelion, but i have a really good feeling that whatever it may be, it will come true. 🙂


      Love this! You've captured his gusto for life with the blow of these wishes!

      great shot! he's clearly having a lot of fun!

      This is great! How refreshing to see a boy in a shot like this. I hope his wish comes true!

      love this photo!


      AW, What a cutie! Great photo!

      He is such a cutie and I love the use of the dandelion as a prop.

      Christy Peterson Photography

      What a cutie!

      oh. my. goodness. those cheeks are puffed full of determination! I LOVE this shot!!

      Love it – so sweet!

      Fantastic image! I love how puffed out his cheeks are!

      Jamie Lynn Joslyn Galloway

      Hehe, love him!

      Oh my word. What a great image. What a great kid. I can totally tell that great things are in store for this adorable little fellow. Happy Monday!

      You made me cry! This is outstanding. xoxo

      What a cute boy! Great capture!